THE ROMANESQUE STYLE C. IOOO-C. T2OO (and he was one of the greatest of mediaeval preachers) to J move hearts, not to expound scripture, the age of Abclard (died 1142), die first to write an autobiographical account of his personal problems of love and scholarship, and in England the age of Henry II and Thomas Becket (died 1170). They stand before us as human beings; William the Conqueror as a natural phenomenon, irre- sistible and relentless. Just before iTOO—when Western Christianity rallied round the banners of the first 14. BLOCK CAPITAL FROM ST. MICHAEL'S, Crusade — the pioneer work , HILBESHEIM, EARLY ^TH CENTURY. was Ul Early Romanesque was trans- formed into High Romanesque. Durham is the crucial monument in England, begun in 1093, the east parts vaulted in 1104, the nave c. 1130 (pi. xi). The nave appears higher than it is, because, instead of the flat ceiling usual until then and usual in England for some time to come, it is covered by a rib-vault. As our eyes follow the lines of the shafts upwards, this movement docs not come to a standstill where the walls end, but is carried farther up with the ribs. The vaults of Durham choir (now renewed) arc the earliest rib-vaults of Europe. In this lies Durham's eminence in the history of building construction. Engineering skill had developed considerably during the century between the earliest examples of the Romanesque style and noo. To vault in stone naves of basilican churches was the ambition of the craftsmen, for reasons of safety against fires in church roofs as well as for reasons of appearance. The Romans had known how to vault on a large scale; but in the West there were before die late nth, cen- tury only vaulted apses, tunnel- or cross-vaulted aisles ot narrow tunnel-vaulted naves without aisles (for instance Naranco), and even smaller tunnel-vaulted naves with aisles (St Martin de Canigou in French Catalonia of 1009; in its historical importance enormously 20