RENAISSANCE AND MANNERISM C. I420-C. I6OO Sistine Chapel and Raphael the Stanze of the Vatican, asked Michelangelo to portray him in a statue for Bologna with a sword instead of a book; for, he said: "I am a soldier, not a scholar". Of Alexander VI, and his nephew Cesare Borgia, it is sufficient to mention the names in this connection. The Palazzo Riario has a ground floor without pilasters, because it seemed more reasonable to preserve the integrity of the rustication, where only small windows were required. On the first and second floors there are pilasters, but not in the simple sequence of the Palazzo Ruccllai. Again the a b a rhythm is used to give life and rule to the facade. It will also be noticed that, whereas Alberti's horizontal divisions had to serve as cornices and at the same time window sills, the unknown architect of the Cancelleria gives each function its clearly visible architectural expression. Moreover the corner bays of the building are slightly projected, so that to the right and die left there is no vagueness about the composition either. The Cancelleria is the first Renaissance building of more than local importance in Rome. About the time, however, when it was completed, Rome took the leadership in architecture and art out of the hands of Florence. This moment marks the beginning of the High Renaissance. The Early Renaissance was essentially Tuscan. The High Renaissance is Roman, because Rome was at that time the only international centre of civilisation, and the High Renaissance has an ideal classicity which made it internationally acceptable and 94 55. THE CHANCERY PALACE (PALAZZO DELLA CANCELLERIA) IN ROME, 1486-98.