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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  January 6, 2017 9:00am-10:01am PST

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>> jon: that president-elect trump briefing from the national security people is supposed to be getting underway soon, we will have an update on that in our second hour. >> jenna: there will be some great headlines and tweets from that meeting. >> jon: see you back in an hour. >> jenna: "outnumbered" starts right now. >> fox news alert, the potential showdown looming at trump tower, the nation's top intelligence officials this afternoon will present to president-elect donald trump classified evidence they say shows without a doubt that russia was behind the hacking of america's election. this has mr. trump has continued to express doubts about their findings. this is "outnumbered," i'm sandra smith coming here today is harris faulkner, cohost of "after the bell" on fox business, melissa francis, also from fox business, dagen mcdowell is here, and today's #oneluckyguy, we welcome back the cohost of "the five," juan williams is here, and he is outnumbered. >> juan: nice to be here, i am one lucky guy. because today is a snowy day in new york, and i like the fact
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that i get to be warm and cozy with this crew. i am one lucky guy. >> you are buttering us out. >> you are acting like you're going to be getting hugs from us. >> juan: look, i know the deal deal. with that song, "baby it's cold outside," maybe you guys should stay outside. come on in. >> we will see how warm things are in a few minutes. let's get started. president-elect trump has repeatedly questioned intelligence officials assessments of russian hacking. of the dnc and hillary clinton campaign chairman john podesta. but just a short time from now, the heads of national intelligence, the cia, fbi, and the nsa, are expected to detail for mr. trump the russian's motives for meddling in the presidential election. and also layout who exactly delivered the stolen emails to
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wikileaks. earlier on "america's newsroom," congressman peter king, who sits on the house intelligence committee, expressing his doubts about the timing of the intel findings. >> this is old news. at every stage of the way they were saying that there was no indication that the russians were favoring one candidate over the other. and suddenly we start, after the election, we start reading in "the washington post" in "the new york times" that the intelligence community has decided that the russians are favoring donald trump. they never gave us any ex-clinician for that at all. and we are still waiting. now hopefully we will get it. >> in the meantime, "the washington post," which congressman king just called out, reporting that some of the intelligence intercepts show top russian officials celebrating the news of donald trump's surprise victory. it says one unnamed u.s. official, "the russians felt pretty good about what happened on november 8th, and they also felt pretty good about what they did."
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so, we are awaiting all of this, and as we do, we are expecting that he will learn about motive behind this hacking in this meeting today as well. >> juan: right, and so he just had an interview with "the new york times" in which he said he thinks a lot of this is just bad feelings from democrats, and i suggest maybe he thinks also that the intelligence community has been politicized. but because he felt that he just beat them so badly, he pointed out that he won more counties and ronald reagan, and he thinks democrats are trying to delegitimize his victory by using the intelligence community's findings. but the intelligence community's findings, i think, separate from the politics, are pretty convincing. >> let's get to what he did tell "the new york times," calling it a political witch hunt, he said china relatively recently hacked 20 million government names. how come nobody even talks about that? this is a political witch hunt. dagen. >> dagen: while the leaks certainly indicate that, the timing of that, the fact that they are these great revelations after the election, it looks
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like the obama administration and people who don't like donald trump are trying to take away the credibility and legitimacy of his administration before he's ever inaugurated. again, you go to which congressman king talked about, the leaks in "the washington post," the leaks in "the new york times," and the leaks to nbc news, which donald trump pointed out before he had ever been briefed by these intelligence officials. he needs to make the distinction which is hard to do on twitter between the leadership, and then those life-long, those lifetime intelligence agents, officers, and analysts, who we will rely upon. but he needs to get to the bottom of this. my concern is, the more donald trump disparages the intelligence community, he puts himself at odds with republican leaders on capitol hill. that jeopardizes maybe the confirmation process of some of his nominees, and also the all-important agenda from the republicans. the one here is what sean spicer says to expect from donald trump as he sits down in these
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meetings, he says he is paid or prepared to listen and understand how they got to their conclusions, which he has been questioning. >> if you follow the tweets, i hate to say this, i have to agree with juan williams, here. i think donald trump is the one who is completing these ideas that if the russians are behind it that means the democrats are trying to delegitimize his election. i mean i think if you listen carefully to the words that clapper used when he was out there he said, no, they didn't interfere with the voting boxes, and we aren't the ones that are in a position to say if this impacted the election. what he is saying is that the intelligence officials are the ones i would ever go out and try to quantify what impact this information had on the election. it was certainly one of the factors. as you saw these emails trickle out every day, it was something that influenced the way that people were thinking, and it's one of a zillion things. it didn't necessarily turn the election, but if you take us all back to that point in time, there was a lot of information coming out, and the nonstop
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wikileaks did have an impact on people's thinking. >> so you said that clapper said that they had no way to quantify it. and it is true to say that they shouldn't politicize it, i think we can say that. i don't know that we can necessarily go further than that until we know everything that they are learning in that meeting. we have every hope, because these people have taken the oath to abide by the constitution, they are patriots in our country, these people collecting intelligence for the betterment of our national security. but you know, we have the same hope with the fbi staying politically clean through james comey. we saw him do some interesting political gymnastics over the summer, for lack of a better word. but i will say this as we move forward, donald trump has a small window to kind of narrow down what he is going to say about this and how to move forward. he does start to look at that process of his nomination being looked at next week, they are already prepping for the process to begin with those top national security picks just to next week. so the window is narrow for him
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to figure out okay, where do i fall here? how do i separate this? it's like the shape from the wheat, the idea that we were hacked, because that is big. it doesn't matter who hacked him. and whether it was a russians. >> juan: here is some thinking, just listening to john mccain and senator lindsey graham yesterday, what they were clear about was, you know what, we have a lot of respect for the intelligence community, and we think politics apart that they are doing their job and we don't understand why the president-elect would try to undercut these intelligence officials. and a key point here is, and i must say, i'm kind of alarmed by it, that people who previously would say julian assange? are suddenly, oh, yeah, we love julian assange! >> you heard everybody from senator graham to senator mccain, you heard people say not to legitimize -- >> juan: but they are not going to threaten his confirmations. i think that is not the issue.
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i think these people want donald trump to succeed are going to try to support him, not the democrats, but the republicans. the issue here is the intelligence community feeling like this man really doesn't trust us, "the wall street journal" report this week that he is trying to reorganize -- 's before which they denied. >> juan: it's just like a back and forth before a the president-elect and intel community. >> it helps donald trump the fact that he has nominated former senator dan coats to take james clapper's place, he is a hawk on russia, he wanted tougher penalties on ukraine from the obama administration. that certainly sends a message. >> sandra: we've got more, meantime, the fbi now denying claims that it never asked for access to the nash democratic national committee servers before issuing its report, blaming the cyber attacks on russian hackers. a senior fbi official telling fox that their efforts at direct access to the dnc servers were rebuffed, and they had to rely on forensics from a third party
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tech security company. this contradicts a dnc spokesman who earlier this week said, "the dnc responded to a variety of requests for cooperation, but the fbi never requested access to the dnc's computer servers." president-elect donald trump also taking aims at reports that dnc rebuffed fbi requests to examine the server, tweeting, "the democratic national committee would not allow the fbi to study or see his computer info after it was supposedly hacked by russia." so how and why are they so sure about hacking if they never even request examination of the computer servers? what is going on?" fair question? >> juan: to me it seems like we are in the weeds on this. is there a question here about where is the dnc had asked? of course the dnc was hacked, everybody knows the dnc was hacked. was john podesta hacked? i can personally tell you. >> sandra: but we are focusing on the server, why would they not let them look? >> juan: i don't know, but
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what i think, i remember reading that the fbi initially contacted a low-level person, like an i.t. security guy, and he didn't communicate up the ranks, so i don't know what happened there, but it seems to me there is no question that were hacked. >> harris: one thing that republicans have said and this is a consistent message across the board that i have seen from them, and that is that they have to tread lightly here with this whole topic because it easily could be them who are hacked now. so why not rise up and look at the bigger issue of the vulnerability this far into the game of the internet that we created in this country? the internet, email, all of that, why are we still vulnerable, and when we find problems, like so many giving their password as "password," which actually happened and is ridiculous, how do you, forgive me for saying, but how could you be stupid for this long? >> we all wear that together. >> dagen: democrats don't actually believe in personal responsibility, do they?
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and ultimately it is up to the dnc to protect their own servers, and let's not forget that "the wall street journal" reported that the republican national committee, there was an attempted hack on the rnc as well. now the reporting was that it wasn't such a persistent effort, it was less-aggressive, nevertheless, you didn't see the kind of information leaked on the rnc that cost the head of the rnc has job, as debbie wasserman schultz was forced to step down after that hacked, and quite frankly, may be the dnc didn't want to be embarrassed by what the fda might find on that very server. >> i am very suspicious of that, what was on there? on the other hand if somebody demands my server i'm going to do everything i cannot do handed over. but i also think in this country that we aren't afraid enough of these hacks, because it seems like it happens all the time, so we are never worried about it. you hear people saying that i don't have anything that is not that valuable. no! we get hacked into all of our systems, there is major national security risks, what if it is energy, what if it is transportation, what if it is
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weapons or all kinds of things? we are not worried enough about this. >> even on an individual level, people can edit what you have. we should be more afraid and more aware and more sensitive about this. >> maybe we feel like we can't control it, that it is so prolific. >> i can't control the guy in the next lane in the freeway but it doesn't make me drive into the median. >> juan: greg gutfeld on "the five" said to me today, think about the electric grid? >> absolutely. >> i just wonder what it is going to be like inside that room based upon the president-elect skeptic schism, he is sitting down. >> listen, if you can mend fences with mitt romney after everything that was said between the two of them, i think this will go just fine. >> all right, maybe there will be frog legs. president-elect donald trump sliming the media for saying he is going back on a key campaign promise to make mexico pay for a new border wall. he says any money spent by congress will be paid back by mexico. just like he set on the campaign
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trail. so, is the mainstream media being dishonest? and, oh, we are going to miss you, uncle joe. the vice president going out with a parting shot at the president-elect. telling him to "grow up." is this a way to go out? or is this how some folks really feel? we debate. and one more time, you're welcome. [applauding] [bleep] ♪ a high intensity tens device that uses technology once only in doctors' offices. for deep penetrating relief at the source. aleve direct therapy.
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>> welcome back, president-elect donald trump is going after the media for saying he's going back on the key campaign promise to make mexico pay for that border wall he wants to build. this after multiple reports that the incoming trump administration is going to ask congress to earmark taxpayer funds for the project. mr. trump tweeted this. "the dishonest media does not report that any money spent on building the great wall for sake of speed will be paid back by mexico later. "in fact, he said the same thing way back in october on the campaign trail, watch. >> remember, i said mexico is paying for the wall. with the full understanding that the country of mexico will be
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reimbursing the united states for the full cost of such a wal wall. >> harris: talk money to me, melissa. >> melissa: this conversation has driven me crazy from the beginning. it is so dumb. because when he said mexico would pay for the wall, i think people who don't understand finance thinks that that means that contractors are going to send a bill to mexico that says from abc contracting, here, mexico, here is the bill. i think they are that dumb, because there are a million ways to make mexico pay very easily. you can withhold aid that is supposed to go, and instead to earmark to payback for the wall. you can put tariffs in place. there are a million ways to make them pay it back down the road, and it's not that hard! >> and to be fair, the president-elect has talked in detail about how he would do it, it has to do with trade and the deficit, the difference between all of the money, a million things. juan williams, i'm just confused about why this keeps coming up, because you know, he has spoken in detail about this.
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this isn't an actual wall, it is more like a fence. there is more than a thousand miles of land, you have to be looking at the areas and how he will address it. why nitpick? >> juan: i find this whole conversation delightful, i am tempted not to say anything just to let it percolate. but i have to tell you, this is three card monte, this is what it is. you know, you got on the street here in times square, they move the cards around and say, donald trump, right from the start of his campaign said i'm going to build a wall, and guess what, and in the crowd would roar back, mexico is going to pay for it! >> they are! >> juan: but the idea is just what you said, melissa, you are on target. it is not dummies, everybody said he is going to make mexico pay for the wall up front. >> not upfront, not upfront. >> juan: no, no! >> make it clear to me when they set up front! that's insane! >> juan: one of the best things about donald trump is he speaks in very clear, direct language. >> he never set up front, show
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me a clip. it >> juan: what they are talking about now is three card monte in which we go back to 2006 and george w. bush had a law approving some funds for building a fence -- >> which president obama voted for, the secure fence act. >> juan: why am i talking about that? because they are going back to that funding mechanism, and that is why the congress is now saying if we can use that money, because it was not sunset, we can start building a wall, and sometime down the road we make efforts to have mexico pay. >> you think trump can't make other people pay for stuff? like he doesn't know how? >> juan: no, what i am saying is i'm a young fella, but i wasn't born yesterday, and i now say that he is not saying i'm going to have mexico pay for it straight up, that's why this is news. >> he never said that! >> harris: you are parsing words and i want to know if that is for political say? if you look at the facts of what he said, there was never an idea of how, or the date that they would pay, so clearly in all of that, if you've ever built anything, and i know the current
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president has said that many of us don't build what we have come about for those of us who actually have built things and take ownership of them, sometimes he will put money up front and you will get reimbursed later, it does happen like that. it doesn't mean that the source of the cash is going to change. >> juan: what he communicated -- >> he used the word "reimbursing" actually. >> juan: >> if you listen to th, mexico is paying for that wall, october 22nd, with a full understanding that the country of mexico will be reimbursing the united states. >> juan: upfront! >> we find out what juan williams does in his free time in times square, he placed some game called three card monte. >> juan: because i don't want to be guilty of anything else in times square. >> dagen: if we are going to play semantics games, donald trump is saying the equivalent of when i tell some buddy who asks me out on a date, you stand me up, i'm going to make you pay. it's the same thing. >> juan: i have to think about
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that then. >> it might not be today, but it will be somebody somewhere down the road. >> juan: those single days, i was intimidated at the moment. >> juan, you also think he means there is good some big beautiful door in the middle like a gigantic door, when he says it's a big beautiful wall with a gigantic door, you think people expect to see that with maybe a knob this big in the middle as well? >> juan: no, no, i think he was pretty clear -- >> so you are cherry picking the literal? >> juan: no, i think on this point donald trump was pretty clear, and that is why we are discussing it. >> juan, we are glad you are here. >> i only have two go carts, can i play? >> anyway, the back vast majority of the republicans are backing obamacare but how to get that done his issue. a top g.o.p. senator leading an effort to oppose a fast-track appeal over concerns about the national debt and a political blame game.
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and vice president biden told president-elect to donald trump to "grow up" and stop mocking opponents on twitter. but this comes just months after mr. biden suggested that he would like to beat up the president-elect. take him out back, i think he said. so should the vice president really being the one calling for civility? the debate ahead, stay with us. ♪ i tried hard to quit smoking. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. getting older shouldn't mean ♪
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>> this fox news alert to show you that the players are pulling into place now, this is live outside trump tower here in new york city, and there is expected to be the national intelligence briefing today. at that meeting with president-elect donald trump gathering the national intelligence officials to talk about the hacking, was it russia, why did it happen? and he is going to get the information of many of our lawmakers on capitol hill have said will be new and earth
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shattering. we will have to see what it is. but in the meantime, just a little bit of video, too, from one we are in brake moments ago moments ago, vice president-elect mike pence has just arrived, so i mentioned the players pulling into place, we know he is on the list for this meeting, as it makes news we will bring it to you. >> melissa: with two weeks to go, until inauguration day, a potential setback and republicans plans to repeal obamacare starting on day one. now the conservative freedom caucus could delay efforts to overhaul the president's health care law amid concerns the current budget proposal will significantly add to the national debt. kentucky senator rand paul encouraging pushback saying, while he supports appealing obamacare, republicans need an alternative that won't add to the growing debt. watch. >> i think we should have started out with a good budget, one that balances in the foreseeable future, and repeal of obamacare and replacement. but there is no reason, we have
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been griping about obamacare for six years, there is no reason we shouldn't have a replacement. you have to replace it on the same day, because if not, all of the unraveling, the further unraveling of obamacare, will be placed on the repeal letters, and i want no part of the blame for the further unraveling of obamacare. >> melissa: this is a new study finds repealing obamacare would increase the budget deficit by $350 billion over the next ten years, that is a drop in the bucket, come on! that study from the committee for a responsible federal budget. dagen i talked to rand paul about this yesterday, democrats and that there is no plan in place, he says he has five or six plants he can synthesize by next week that would replace it and be coherent. you look doubtful. >> dagen: no, i think that rand paul is posturing for political purposes, pure and simple. when was the libertarian against repealing and giant entitlement when the leadership of the republican party has promised that they are going to be a replacement in place by the end of the year? and by the way, you haven't even
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had the health and human services secretary nominee confirmed yet by the senate. tom price has a plan. he has worked on it for years. and you have rand paul, but rand paul -- >> but it's not going to happen before january 20th, because what the president-elect says, what is been reported is that he were willing to use executive orders to change some things. so what you're talking about is a process i could take how long? is it going to get done it 14 days? >> dagen: all you have to do is have a reasonable plan in place. within a year. that's all i'm saying is that rand paul is coming out saying, i'm going to fix this! i'm the one who is going to lead the charge! >> i like that impression. >> dagen: you have somebody was going to run hhs along with the republican congress who can do it, and do it maybe without standing in front of a new microphone nonstop. >> how do you feel about the president telling his team, his side, don't rescue the republicans? that doesn't seem helpful to the country. >> juan: it isn't, and i have always been of the mind that i
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believe we need some kind of insurance plan that helps the 20 million people who have now been covered by obamacare, and we have seen record numbers of people continuing to sign up. and so i would hope that democrats, in fact, would help to play ball. but i understand, given the political polarization in washington, they say hey, republicans never worked with us to improve the plan while president obama was in office, why should we work with them? >> so that is how it works? >> juan: yes, and then that prompted president-elect trump to make his comment about chuck schumer, calling him the clown leader or something. >> he called him schumer clown. >> marco rubio of florida, ted cruz of texas, said they support the 2017 budget resolution in order to reveal the affordable care act, but they do want the spinning level to be revisited in the 2018 budget. >> we are always screaming that people in washington don't care about debt, they don't care about how much they are mortgaging our children's futures, that they are not
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looking at the bottom line, this is rand paul standing up and trying to do that, dagen! >> dagen: i disagree with that, i think he is doing it for political purposes because he's got this window where he can get a lot of air time. and i want to say that if you immediately repeal some of these elements of obamacare, like the restriction on employers that you have to provide insurance if you have 50 employees or more, can you imagine if you just lift that with the 5.6 million part-time workers, people who want more employment, what could possibly happen in a matter of months, where small employers might be willing to step up and start hiring more? >> juan: let me quickly say before we go that this is about from a republican perspective not wanting the blowback from people who say, oh, my god! they repealed it, and they don't have anything else. now everybody is suffering, and there is more people could win democrats they make america sick again. >> it's interesting, but it might offset the money, is it potentially going to offset the money that it would take to repeal it? because i'm still curious about
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what we are paying for in that sense, that big price tag for repealing and replacing. >> dagen: moving on, vice president joe biden blasting donald trump over some of his recent tweets. divide and specifically reacting to recent posts in which the president-elect accused president obama of trying to hinder the transition process, and referred to senate minority leader chuck schumer as the head clown of the democrats. watch this. >> grow up, donald. grow up. time to be an adult. you are president. you've got to do something. show us what you have. you are going to propose legislation, they are going to get to debate it, let the public decide, let them vote in congress, let's see what happens. it's going to be much clearer what he's for and against, and what we are for and against, now that it's going to get down to actually discussing in detail these issues that affect people's lives. >> dagen: but the
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vice president maybe not so mature himself, when he targeted president-elect trump while stumping for hillary clinton. >> the press always asks me, don't i wish i were debating him? no, i wish we were in high school so i could take them behind the gym, that's what i wish. [cheering and applauding] >> i just think that's really unfortunate. i just think, i have young kids, and we have a newly elected president, the president-elect being referred to by his first name, being told to grow up, donald. i just don't think this sort of discourse helps us at all. >> juan: i would agree with you, but where have you been? you haven't seen the kind of things donald trump tweets out about people? he can be pretty attacking. but i agree with you, i think this is a low-level discourse for our top elected officials, i would hope that they would act in a better way. but even today, donald trump was going after arnold schwarzenegger for ratings on
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the "apprentice." what is this about? >> that is a jab because arnold torsten egger didn't respond student support donald trump. it >> it seems like you didn't support respond to the joe biden thing. >> juan: i just said 72-year-old shouldn't be fighting. >> wow. >> now you are age shaming! >> juan: but i agree with your point, i agree with you, sandra, that i think it's a low level of discourse. >> i am feeling warm and fuzzy again, i promise. >> we haven't come to expect this from the vice president who drops an f-bomb on the open mic when they have approved obamacare. remember the missouri politician who is in a wheelchair, so he pointed at them at a rally and said, stand up, chuck graham. remember that? he told people not to get on an airplane because of the swine flu. >> so you're saying they are well suited for each other. yes, that's vice president
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joe biden. >> this makes me wonder whether or not he really is taking himself seriously to run. >> i'm going to jump in, fox news alert, right now we are literally two points away from hitting the 20,000 mark, this is, by the way, a fresh record on the dow. we sell records on the nasdaq and the s and the s&p 500 today, american stock market hitting all-time highs, and i will remind you that if we close here, on all three, the dow, the nasdaq, the s&p, you are looking up record closes across the boards, and juan williams, this has certainly been a rise in the stock market that we have seen since donald trump was elected president. we have seen multiple record closings. >> juan: i think it's great news, and i hope that it continues to rise. you have to worry about the economy overheating, you have already seen the fed say they are willing to raise interest rates to try to restrain this because they don't want things to get overheated. >> overheated? what are you talking about? >> juan: we have had continued growth. >> terrible growth. >> juan: we have not had
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terrible growth. >> let me bring some baggage to the couch. one of the reasons, the market is optimistic about the future, about tax cuts, about corporate tax cuts, about a rollback in the regulations, that the obama administration has continued to pile on since the election. number one. number two, in terms of the job growth last year, 180,000 on average for the month, 2.2 million, that was the worst year since 2011. so the economy is not overheating. this market is looking down the road, and by the way, republicans better be careful about getting bogged down on obamacare and focus on those tax cuts. >> melissa, you spend a lot of time watching these markets, there is certainly momentum. and by the way, in addition to everything dagen just listed, donald trump's, thomas and 4% growth in his first year in office. >> speaking of facts and numbers, the federal reserve saying this is the worst recovery on record since they
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have started keeping records, so no, it hasn't been going great. we have seen this run-up in the stock market since november 22nd is when we cross 19,000, this is about optimism, about the future, and that is why we are seeing, i hope it comes to fruition. we have flagged, wages have lagged, nominal growth has been terrible. >> the dow on its way to that historic 20,000 mark, we are watching. by the way, that is a fresh record on the dow across the board. we will be right back. rodney and his new business. he teaches lessons to stanley... and that's kind of it right now. but rodney knew just what to do...he got quickbooks. it organizes all his accounts, so he knows where he stands in an instant. ahhh...that's a profit. which gave him the idea to spend a little cash
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tax cuts and you have less regulation, things are going to be well. i think also uncertainty around the time of the election, people have taken off the gloves, they say we know that donald trump is going to be president. >> it's going up as we are speaking. >> oh, boy! >> juan: keep going! i must say -- >> look at this, there goes. >> you know it's amazing, it is going to be an even 100-point gain when it hits 20,000. >> by the way, i have a question, because i have heard you say this, sandra, just in terms of where we are historically. we see these pickups before a new president, but not like this. so is this reflection, as melissa was saying come , on wht people feel? >> i will tell you that there is caution and some skepticism of the momentum and the pace at which we have approached 20,000 on wall street. you, melissa, talk to analyst all the time course and, maybe stop if you are looking to buy and, stop and take a breather
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here because this is a lot of anticipation of the incoming president and his policies. he is not in office yet. you might want to note that. but nonetheless, this is an historic moment for the stock market. i will remind you, melissa and dagen, you will know this, it was about a month ago that we blew through the 19,000 mark. >> november 22nd. >> tax cuts, corporate tax cuts, that is a 20% increase in earnings for the 500, the biggest publicly traded companies in this country, that goes right to the bottom line. that is some of what explains is rally that you have seen in the stock market. but also, democrats always say the little people don't feel this. people at home, this is the rich fat cats who are investing in the market. >> juan: wait a minute, that is what republican said! >> julie roginsky has had that very thing on this show. let me finish my thought. there are 100 million people invested in 401(k) in this
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country with $7 trillion, roughly, invested through the 401(k) plans. a lot of it in stocks. this is an ownership society, they own slices of these company's, and that makes them feel better, and you've seen it in the confidence. >> juan: let me just cheer america on, i just think this is so wonderful on sony levels. one, remember, when we went through the terrible recession, it was at 8,000. so now, this is a pro-obama statement, we are at 20,008 years later, that is phenomenal. >> are you giving president obama credit customer >> it goes up whenever you talk, juan. >> juan: i'm glad. and the second thing to say, i don't care where you are in the world, you would want to do business in the united states of america, and i don't hear this a lot from people who want to put down obama. but you know what? you go to europe these days, you go to china, you go to all these countries, they'll say go to the usa. >> i said this on the air the other day, and i am curious to know with car companies and others looking at what for just
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did, like i'm not going to spend $1.6 billion to build a plant south of t to keep it in michigan, they spend roughly half that amount, employ some people, is that contagious? >> i do think this is contagious. this is about a president who understands how to do business and the environment in which you need to do best in the business, because he built buildings, he ran construction companies and knows what it takes to get it done. and these comedies are going to him and saying look, you want us to keep jobs, you have to make a debt environment where it makes sense in the long term. to keep them here in the long run i need low regulation, i need a better tax environment, any cheap energy, i need a good environment for all of these things. i need workers that are educated. people would rather have their factories here in the u.s. where they are closer to them, where they can check on them, where they have workers. >> let me get in for one second and update everybody why we've got the dow up. the doubt literally just came within one point of hitting 20,000. we are talking about what is driving this rally, this is already a record high for the dow, we have already seen a record on the nasdaq, by the
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way, the tech-heavy index. and a record on the s&p 500, which represents the broader u.s. stock market. but this is a historic day, and we're looking at the effect that donald trump is having on business and the stock market, and he has sent a very clear message to business. i am creating a friendly environment for you. >> tax cuts, tax reform, and rollback and regulations, and in terms of being unfriendly to business, the obama administration has continued to do that since the election. 145 -- >> juan: come on. i will give you a fact. there is been straight growth. >> dagen: we also had the worst year of job creation since 2011, but 145 new regulations in 36 working days since the election and december 31st, including 31 of them that were economically significant with an economic cost of $100 million or more, this is on top of a record number of regulations during president obama's administration bread >> juan: allow me to
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respond. i will respond by saying we have had i believe 70-plus months of consecutive growth in the economy, the most since the 1920s. >> the worst economy recovery on record. >> juan: you are talking about the percentage, and again, what we are seeing is consistent growth coming out of a terrible recession, and you don't want to give him credit. >> that is not true. >> juan: we talk about these numbers, most of this growth in the stock market as we approach 20,000 has come under obama. >> dagen: hillary clinton ran on obama's record and she lost! that is all you need to know. >> we've got to leave it there, we are watching the dow for you, and as dagen said, this affects everyone. americans 401(k) plans, retirement plans, the dow closing in on 20,000. up 90 points right now. we will be right back, happy fridayho. definitely doesn't have that... you can leave worry behind when
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>> fox news alert, we are watching the dow for you, closing in on 20,000 for the past few minutes. it came within a point of 20,000, it has since backed off, as markets do. right now of 83 points, 19.9 to 82, it has already broken a record, its highest print ever, but that 20,000 number is a lot of fun to watch prayed also the
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nasdaq and s&p 500 hitting record highs today, so we are watching and all this by the way, dagen, you are on fox business network this morning covering the jobs report, that was pretty strong, too, a trip into the gains that we are seeing. in addition to all that talk about donald trump can contrivo this rally. >> dagen: we have been talking about wage gains, we actually in the last year did see wages posting their best gains since 2009. >> juan: thank you, obama. >> dagen: yes, since 2009. so wage growth has been picking up, but the job growth has been lackluster, as the economic recovery has been lackluster. the last year we had 2.2 million jobs added, that was a little weaker than expected in the month of december. and it was the worst year since 2011 in terms of job growth. people want more out of their jobs, their economy, you have people who were still not attached to the labor force with full-time's work. i was talking about the north of 500 million people working
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part-time and they want more hours, and they can't find it. >> when you talk about wage growth, nominal wage growth has been negative through much of the presidency, saying that it's at its best point since 2008. that's like saying it's the warmest day this winter. it's been cold, so it's still cold. it's good compared to the rest of the obama administration, but it's terrible compared to any other. in time. this is been the worst recovery on record, but there is a feeling now out there that finally the shackles may be taken off. i would say, and i don't want to get too technical, but you guys know this as well, the bond market has signaled something different, that we may be getting a little head of ourselves, and that is where we have seen this caution coming into 20,000, and that is why we have gotten close to 20,000 and haven't crossed it. >> and one of the things feeding into that caution is rising interest rates, it's got that quarter-point height, and all of a sudden if we were in a rising interest rate environment that could quickly change. >> juan: that is why i was talking about not wanting to get
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overheated. but i just wanted to say this is fantastic, and i want to celebrate this american moment! because as i said, there is no place else in the world that you would rather do business than the usa, and for all of these naysayers on the couch who want to say oh, america hasn't been growing as fast as we would like. i would like it to grow faster too, but don't forget where we have come from, and again, the strength of this economy, the strength of the consumer confidence, the strength of our education system is all paying off. >> dagen: but you know what? hillary clinton's campaign completely ignored how people were feeling around the country. they were feeling what melissa is talking about, that they are displaced, they want more control, their wages weren't growing, they didn't have jobs that they wanted. and democrats and liberals ignored those very people and that is why donald trump won. >> interest rates. if these interest rates do start to take up, then people may try to get in those houses. it will be a real indictment on how people have or have not handled their finances over the
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past few years and getting their own personal debt under control. >> we've got to leave it there, we are watching 20,000 on the dow, it is at 19.981. it was of one half point away. more "outnumbered" in just a minute.
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>> juan williams, thank you. anyone watching the dow jones right now, every time you talk, i don't know what it is, it is like chocolate. >> i love it. big weekend for the dow, and for football.
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>> my friends are texting me, i do not hate him, i really adore him. >> just because we tangled. >> last month on a friday. we will see you back on monday. >> we begin with a fox news alert, major milestone within reach on wall street as the dow closes in on 20,000. >> jenna: so close, so far away. nine points. they were within one point of that number before fighting back a bit, but we are watching the trading day and have all of the news "happening now." >> donald, grow up, time to be an adult. you are president. >> jon: vice president joe biden with tough advice for the president-elect as mr. trump gets an intelligence briefing on russian hacking. plus, a new president and his new way of communicating with americans. how can the


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